Hello stranger if you have been following my posts, podcast episodes, YT videos and my Amazon live show then you know I create multiple content on lots of social media sites. Its you chance to come and feature on any of the above.

You can see examples of all the above at my sites https://linktr.ee/ZulfPhotography

I am putting this post out specifically to my WordPress viewers and if you have something to share we can make a show of it. It can be audio only or a live stream. If your not to technical or have the gear it’s OK I have a system that allows you to collaborate with me just using your mobile device.

How? Just drop me a comment on this post or a social media message on any of my socials.

The main thing I aim to speak about is how photography fits into your workflow and we can share tips and suggestions to help you if your thinking of changing your setup.

Please let me know if your confident on camera or if you would like to feature voice only. Look forward to hearing from you.

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